SVG File-02

BiddingOwl Online Learning Center

Fundraising can be overwhelming. We gathered tips and tricks to help you raise the most for your causes. Read our thoughts on best practices.

Tax deduction auction

Are silent auction purchases tax deductible?

When donating to a charity, knowing whether your contribution is tax-deductible is important. Only donations to qualified organizations are eligible for tax deductions. Here's how to determine if an organization qualifies and how your deductions might work.

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Charity tax deductions

Charity Auction Purchases: Are auction items tax deductible?

Charity auctions are a popular way to support nonprofit organizations, but did you know your participation might come...

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Charity Auction Tax deduction

Charity Auction Donations: What You Need to Know About Tax Deductions

Charity auctions can be a great way for nonprofit organizations to raise funds. Participating in these events can also...

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