SVG File-02

BiddingOwl Online Learning Center

Fundraising can be overwhelming. We gathered tips and tricks to help you raise the most for your causes. Read our thoughts on best practices.

Guide to raffles

The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Successful Nonprofit Charity Raffles

Raffles are a powerful tool for nonprofits, providing an engaging way to raise funds while bringing communities together. Whether you’re new to organizing raffles or looking to improve your strategy, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know about organizing a successful nonprofit charity raffle. From the basics to legal requirements, we’ve got you covered.

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Raffle prize ideas

What Makes Great Raffle Prizes?

Raffles are a tried-and-true method for raising funds and engaging communities. However, the success of a raffle often...

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Raffle types

Understanding the Types of Raffles for Nonprofit Charity Events

Raffles are a popular and effective way for nonprofits to raise funds and engage their communities. Understanding the...

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Understanding Legal Requirements for Running a Raffle

When organizing a raffle for your nonprofit, it's essential to be aware of and comply with various legal...

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vacation raffle prize

Top Raffle Prize Ideas: Options for Fundraising Success

Looking for the perfect raffle prize to boost your fundraising event? Whether you're organizing a high-stakes gala or a...

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What are Raffles

What Are Raffles?

Raffles have long been a popular fundraising method for nonprofits, schools, and community organizations. But what...

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