SVG File-02

Silent Auction Checkout: Best Practices To Follow

Author: Adie M.
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If you are reading up on silent auction checkout best practices, we’re here to tell you that you are doing fundraising right! It’s all well and good to get prospective donors to attend your silent auctions and to place their bids. But, the real challenge lies in providing them with the opportunity to make the actual donation. This is when you want to avoid frustration and make things as easy as possible. 

After all, at the end of a social event, your valued guests are likely to be quite tired and ready to head home. So, if you can provide them with a quick and fuss-free silent auction checkout experience, all the better! Here are 5 best practices that will allow you to do just that. 

Silent auction checkout best practices

5 Silent Auction Checkout Best Practices that Smooth the Way for Friction-Free Event Conclusions

Here are a few guidelines from industry insiders who know the value of a quick and efficient charity auction checkout: 

Handle Financial Admin Early On

A well-planned silent auction always makes provision for a registration process prior to the event. Ideally, you want to encourage your donors to pre-register their payment info online. They can do this via a virtual platform even before they come to your event (or log on for an online auction). However, this is not always possible and some guests may prefer to do it on the day. 

As such, be ready to capture new donor and payment information upon entry, quickly and efficiently. This is also an opportunity to update the details of existing donors on your database. 

Keep things basic to keep your lines moving, but get the credit information on file to speed up the checkout. This should be the main goal.  

Consider Using Mobile Bidding Software

Paper bidding sheets are all good and quaint, but if there is one thing that will really streamline your silent auction, it's mobile bidding software. Sure, you may encounter some kickback from older demographics who prefer to do things the traditional way. But, with enough support from tech-savvy volunteers, you can definitely find a way to make it work. 

A good online platform makes it very easy and convenient for bidders to place their bids. They can bid anonymously and easily from their mobile devices. This means that they’ll also receive updates when someone else has placed a bid on an item they have their eye on. So, they can choose to counter-bid if they see fit. 

This platform also enables them to save their payment information, confirm payment, and checkout from their device. Donors no longer need to wait in a queue to do so. In fact, they can even email themselves their receipt to save on paper. The last step is to verify their purchase via a volunteer and pick up the item they won in the bid. Easy as pie! 


Create Multiple Checkout Lanes

If you do go the mobile platform route, be sure to create multiple checkout lanes. This ensures that those bidders who have already made payment via this platform aren't stuck in a queue with folks who still have to swipe or tap to pay. Split the lanes right from the get-go. Have a volunteer or two in place to check with each donor to see in which queue they need to go. 

This way, the people who have already transacted via their mobiles can simply have their payment verified and collect their item. And, those who still need to go through the process can be channeled towards your most efficient volunteers. 

Splitting the queues like this also provides a visual incentive for donors to adopt the mobile platform for your next silent auction. When they see how fast the express lane goes, they are likely to want in on that action. 


From churches to food banks to cultural centers, there are approximately 1.6 million tax-exempt 501(c) organizations in the United States alone. Whether your NPO is faith-based, aimed at promoting arts and culture, or involved in the provision of healthcare to vulnerable communities, most donors have one thing in common. They want to know that their contribution is valuable. 

As such, it helps to remind your guests of how their donation is put to use as they’re getting ready to make it. While silent auction bid winners are waiting to pay, consider handing out pamphlets with information on successful initiatives by your organization. Or, perhaps you could play some AV content on screens next to the checkout lane? It keeps waiting donors occupied, and showcases your efforts. 

Have Your Auction Items Organized

This should go without saying. Once your donors have paid up, you need to be ready to hand them their item. Ideally, this should happen immediately and without any needless rushing and looking around to find the item in question. 

As such, be sure to have an organizational system in place to let this happen quickly and easily. This is your last touchpoint with your donors at this auction. So, you want it to be memorable in a good way!

Provide Your Volunteers with Proper Training

Empower your volunteers to be their best selves at your silent auction checkout. If you are using virtual bidding software, take care to train them on it. This ensures they are able to assist any donors who need help. 

It's also recommended to have a 'dress rehearsal' of the event. In doing so, you can be sure to sort out any hitches in the process before the big day. 

Three people at desk checkout


When you follow silent auction checkout best practices, your fundraising events are far more likely to run smoothly. Additionally, your NPO’s future events are also more likely to be well-attended due to positive word of mouth from previous donors and guests. 

Handle financial admin early on, and consider using mobile bidding software. Create multiple checkout lanes, have your auction items organized, and provide your volunteers with proper training. Following these guidelines will allow your events to run a lot more smoothly, especially towards the end!